Thursday, April 9, 2009

Celebratory Meal

My celebratory meal with friends-- during which I spent considerably more than one dollar.

Thanks to vicki!, Chris, and Elizabeth for helping me put a symbolic period on the 40 day sentence.


  1. Thanks for sharing your journey Mel. It's been thought-provoking, challenging, convicting, and causes me to ask, "what's the next step"? For you, and for me!

  2. Thank you Melanie! WOW!

    BTW, your meal looks delicous.

  3. One thing about living simply is certain, it make you appreciate the little things. I loved how much you really liked the simple pink gift bag that the Easter goodies came in. I love even more that one of the first things you purchased was a gift for someone else. You are pretty awesome!

  4. Hi Mel! I noticed this blog and your $1 per day experiment from the "address correction" email you sent. I wanted to say "cool experiment", but there is nothing truly "cool" about sooooo many throughout the earth living this choice-less reality. That said, "cool experiment".

    No doubt you learned LOTS and have already discovered how to apply your discoveries going forward. You helped me add an extra I measure of thanksgiving to my day(s).

    Mark Mac


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