When I was there, Mount Kilimanjaro didn't peek out from behind the clouds very often, but when it did it appeared to be an enchanting mountain.
However, most of the people I met who had just climbed it weren't enchanted in the least.
"Are you glad you climbed it?" I asked.
"Oh yea! It was great!" they replied.
"Would you climb it again?" I pressed.
"Noooooooooooo......." was the usual answer.
I have good guesses as to why no one wants to climb it again.
o It may be that it takes about 6-7 days to walk up and come back.
o It may be that the last leg of the summit is climbed in a sleepy, exhausted state of stumbling after only 2 hours of sleep.
o It may be that many people get nauseous from the altitude.
o It may be that some people don't like the expedition partners they got from the bad luck of the draw.
As you can see, I heard from plenty of people about the experience of climbing Kilimanjaro. And that will suffice for me. I'd rather chew aluminum foil for 6-7 days than climb up that mountain. Or any mountain, for that matter.
"Mountain climbing is extended periods of intense boredom, interrupted by occasional moments of sheer terror." Anonymous
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