Thursday, April 7, 2011

Third Time’s a Charm

There is something about the number 3 that is special. As children we hear stories about the three little pigs and the three bears, and we sing repetitive songs about three blind mice, and pretty soon we start to catch on that the number 3 stands out.

As we mature, we expand our knowledge of three to include three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial), three dimensions to a human (body, mind, spirit), and the monumental importance of three day weekends.

In America we have the saying “third time’s charm” and in Britain they say “third time lucky.” The idea behind those sayings is that hey, if things didn’t work out for whatever reason the first two times (e.g. a disappointing marriage, plastic surgery run amuck) all we have to do is persevere and everything will turn out all right the third time. The third time holds the promises of hope and faith.

The number 3 really has its’ hey day in the Christian bible. Starting with the obvious trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, from there we move on to three wise men, Peter denying Jesus three times, Jonah hanging out in the belly of whale for three days, three apostles with Jesus at his transfiguration, and to commemorate Easter, Jesus was three days in the tomb. The number three in the bible is said to symbolize divine completion.

In October 2010 my planned trip to Haiti was canceled because there weren’t enough people signed up for the trip. In November 2010 my trip to Haiti was canceled (the night before departure) due to the cholera epidemic that infected 80,000 people, and killed 1,800.

My trip to Haiti has been re-scheduled for May 30th.
I’m going.
Third time’s a charm.


  1. Hi Mel -- hurray! So glad you are re-booked!

    Also, I had a coworker from Englad once who had another saying that, while similar to ours, is different enough that it warrants inclusion here:

    I say: "Six of one, half-dozen of the other"

    Ruth would always say: "Six and two threes"


  2. Keep keeping on Mel. May God continue to bless your thought process.

    -From (A)n old f(R)iend


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